Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is your personal organisation style?

Love this quote:
Schlenger and Roesch describe five distinct styles to organizing time:


  • The Hopper quickly and and frequently switches tasks throughout the day. Hoppers often enjoy variety and like to feel the gratification of completing small tasks, but they may be easily distracted by other people or technology. This is the most common of the temporal organizing styles.
  • The Perfectionist Plus seeks excellent performance in every activity, sets very high standards for herself and others, and may have difficulty distinguishing between valuable and less-valuable uses of her time.
  • The person who is Allergic to Detail enjoys thinking about the big picture and new ideas, sometimes neglecting smaller details or follow-through.
  • The Fence Sitter can see both sides of an issue and thoroughly researches upcoming decisions, both large and small, sometimes to the point of forestalling action.
  • The Cliff Hanger thrives on adrenaline, deadlines, and external pressure, but sometimes loses track of all the commitments he's juggling.
Schlenger and Roesch describe five styles of organizing physical space:


  • The Everything Out likes to have reminders, mementoes, and project materials in plain sight and within easy reach.
  • The Nothing Out prefers to have surfaces cleared off and materials stored away.
  • The Right Angler enjoys having things look a certain way, with the appearance of precision.
  • The Pack Rat keeps almost everything.
  •  The Total Slob believes that organizing things is a waste of time that could be spent on creative pursuits.

Chinese spam

Recently there have been a large number of chinese spamsters hitting my website with comments about their hackware websites (or some just plain strange ones). naturally these are blocked by me since I moderate every single comment.

But why do they pick on me, not the other ones I am aware of?

If you are a chinese blog-spamster,  F*** off!!

Blackboard aka UTS Online - how I hate thee

Our learning management system here at UTS is a pile of dog poo. It's so tedious to do anything and adds a lot of work to make life as an instructor painful.

There are so many websites and blogs  (google it)  bemoaning the pile of crap Blackboard inc. have written.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

App Inventor for Android

App Inventor for Android

Oh dear, does this make us programmers redundant?

Apps for Android made easy - I now see a million iFart applications appearing...

Incidentally, It's amazing how your mind explores links - from this website I got to Kawa, then qexo (Xquery) which then leads back to HTML + JSP vs HTML generation via Xquery (http://www.gnu.org/software/qexo/XQ-Gen-XML.html) ...