Sunday, April 06, 2008

Java EE without Ajax

Saw this by accident: Apusic is a chinese middleware company that has licensed and passed the J2EE 1.5 tests.

JavaEE without Ajax

The basic argument is that via a JSF render engine, you can AJAXify your JSF based JSP with minimal effort. The big issue with Ajax now is that you call javascript, hence a maintenance nightmare.(especially after my experience with SBW!!)

to quote:
Java, Yes; Java Script, No!
“We Love Java, Not Java Script.” Alternatively, such meaning can be put in the typical sentence pattern of the former Chinese leader Chairman Mao, “Java, yes; Java Script, no!” I believe that many readers may not agree with the title of this section. Yet it is a common voice of a large number of J2EE developers.
Quite many Java engineers have a strong favor in, or even obsession of, Java. They love the simplicity and elegance of Java. Once they are given an assignment that requires Java Script, they will feel puzzled. Overly flexible grammar, no way of checking the grammar through compiler, lack of good debugging tools… all hampers the use of Java Script by the developers, not to mention development with Ajax.
In short, the Java community needs Ajax to improve the man-machine experience of the Web applications based on javaEE. However, people do not like the current Ajax development mode. Needless to say, we want some new solution.

Who Will Rescue JavaEE Ajax ?
What is it then? My answer is JSF . Now, a popular belief about JSF is, in a somehow comic way, “Tragic life – Sun places JSF into the world of Java Web, naked.” My belief, however, is that as a revolutionary server component technology, JSF is like the sun at eight or nine o ' clock in the morning, hopeful and possible for anything.

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