Saturday, August 23, 2008

Faith in humanity restored

Wow, what an interesting day.
Last night at 6pm I got a call from Bondi Beach Police - the laptop bag had been found at Bondi Pavilion! With everything inside ok!

My God, that was an interesting tale to tell. It seems like whoever took the laptop bag carried it all the way to Bondi Beach and according to the Laptop logs, tried to access it at 4:50pm.

Of course, one of the best things about thinkpads is that they have a bios/harddisk password system, and the X60s also has a fingerprint reader.
So whoever turned them on couldn't even get past the bios startup page .. and just dumped the bag. They just took my name tag!! (it was an Ansett Golden Wing baggage label - rare I guess??) and my reflector/light on the outside of the bag? They even left my memory keys, papers, and USB wifi detector behind.

After picking up the laptops, I had to think seriously about security in the future...

But... my faith in the fundamental honesty of mankind has been restored...

Some bypasser found it and returned it to the police station.

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