Thursday, November 16, 2006

Apache Synapse vs Apache Servicemix

Lately I've been wondering about the conflict between Apache Synapse and Apache Servicemix (part of Geronimo).

Here's an article that claims they are complementary..

How does ServiceMix compare to Synapse?

basically says Synapse is WS-*/Soap centric, and Servicemix is far more open (I agree - ESB is more like a generic connect-all bus, and SOAP/ws-* is just another transport).

On the other hand, the creators of Synapse claim that Synapse is an ESB??

Apache Synapse - The ESB that kills the ESB

Oh well, at least the teams are getting together to get some commonality.
News: ServiceMix, Apache Synapse and Celtix Teaming Up (Sep. 02, 2005)

This just confuses the consumer and helps microsoft...

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