Sunday, November 19, 2006

Flash Wankers

Today I was sent a "free 14 day trial of AFR access" ( which is written in...


What a pile of shit. Their web site doesn't size correctly (it's a single flash file that is only about 5cm high under mozilla) and only really works under Internet Explorer 6 upwards. Fools. They lose my business.

Why do I rant so much about flash wankers?

It's all about choice. And usability. And accessibility (especially if you run a text-voice browser for blind people, or run a non-graphic browser like linx or elinks, or use a tool like plucker to download to your PDA). And who HATES those ^(*^(^%((%*& animations??
(see a good rant: and web sites that suck and
How Flashy websites turn off customers )

What about those stupid splash pages? I want info not infotainment when I want to purchase or spend my internet bucks! Even worse is the epilesy (and vomit) background music and animations. YETCHHH BARF!!!

To me, flash can be used correctly to enhance a website, but alternative navigation MUST exist (see ??W3?? UN?? guidelines).
Some graphic designers are egotistical wankers who use this as a platform to show how "clever" or "artistic" they are.
Not on my $$$ thank you very much.

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